Sunday, December 30, 2007
Thursday, December 27, 2007
This is Enma a.k.a. my sister. So cute rite~?!
Omigosh! Kawaii Desu yo~!
Alrights! I'm here with an important announcement to all who know my sister...
...IT'S HER BIRTHDAY ON SATURDAY!!! Which to say, is on the 29th of December. I hope you guys remembered. If not, start remembering. HAHAHA.
Anyway, imouto(sis), happy 16th birthday! One year older and hopefully more obedient~
May your birthday be a fun and wonderous one! I LOVE YOU! So stop torturing your poor sister~!
And here, are more photos of her (Hahaha...why do I have this forboding feeling that i'm gonna be killed by her...):

so cool~ @.@


'L' san?! iie, atashi no kawaii imouto desu.

Hmmm...Watcha' doin'?

And nw a random picture of my kawaii Rabbit; Usagi Chan~!!!
speaking of which, I've not seen this rabbit-napper for like...
... \(OAo)/
Sunday, December 23, 2007
I'm bloody much back. Not anticipating eh?
Oh well, anyway, as promised (if i ever did), here's the 2nd secret to a blemish-free skin.
Now are you anticipating?
Ok, whatever.
Another sound reason why our skin tends to clog up is due to the lack of EXFOLIATION. This helps to speed up the process of skin renewal by removing DEAD SKIN CELLS - another reason to why our pores sometimes clogged up for no good reason or whatsoever even if we tried our utmost to keep it clean.
reasonable enough?
right. basically, get yourself a glycolic acid based exfoliator. Use 1 to 3 times weekly at NIGHT. Smooth over entire face and leave it on for 1-3 mins depending on your tolerance for pain. Lather off with warm water to neutralize. When i mean remove dead skin, i mean it like how you'd peel when you got sunburn. that, is what i called real exfoliation. but of course, dun expect your whole layer of dead dermis to peel off in just one wash. you'll see the gradual changes in your complexion if you stick to the 5 basic rules faithfully enough. Get it?
Oh ya, BTW, after exfoliation, you might wanna put on toner and moisturizer to retain moisture AND to moisturize. But, this step can be skipped depending on your face condition - lets say...extremely oily skin?
Well, that's all for now...hope it's helpful...whether you believe it or not...
What are you waiting for?
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Recently, I've been rotting at home since the start of my 3.5 weeks holiday. I thought I could really relax and not care about the things around me for the moment. Lo and behold, I got so stressed up because there is ain't nothing for me to do!!!
I can't believe it! I've been like slogging for months and finally I got this opportunity to rest and it ended up weird. I need things to do!!! Shopping... Group drawing practise... rotting together...chatting...crapping...anything! ANYTHING AT ALL! ok, maybe not really that. Sigh. My hoilday sucks, the GER electives selection sucks, my pocket money sucks...wait, do i even have pocket money to start with?! the only good thing is the weather and my face freakingly sucks big time! Oh gosh~! Holy S**T.
I had this amazing discovery yesterday (and i guess it is the only entertaining feature for me so far) regarding ACNE. Yes, acne. You didn't see wrongly. No, I didn't start having fetish for acnes for all you can imagine. In fact, I wish acnes don't exist. Who don't?
Oh well, anyway, here's what I found out:
The easiest way and most appropriate way to cure acne problems without spending a huge sum of money is...
...and it is proven...
...with testimonials...
...from a chronic acne patient...
...from many others with freaking acne problems...
...are you anticipating this...?...
....and the revelation...
you are very close...
...come on, you can do it....
...pls dun hit me.... took me more than these to get to the answers....
...that chronic guy was hella crappy...
...hey, this really will train up your patience you know...
....and took me a full 5 mins wordy vid to make me realize i've to find out the answer on his website...
....and it took me a bloody 5 to six pages of readings from his website... link me to the answer....
..l.and that's not the end of it.....
...he just enjoys torturing his viewers.... the end, after all the trouble, I only got 1 out of the five secrets to a beautiful skin.... from his mail...
...and here you are:
*drum roll*
Ok, now you've got part one of five of the secret,
why not give it a shot?
I'm doing it now.
Well, if you trust me that is.
Oh boy, I guessed I'm done with blogging for now. Do drop by often...even if it is just for the 5 BIG SECRETS to a beautiful face and not because you like me or my blog or something...
Ok, you do like me, don't you?
I unlovable can i get?
Friday, November 30, 2007
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Monday, November 26, 2007

I was bored so I decided to take some random photos...
Wonder what i can do during my holiday... it's only 4 weeks though.
I felt so rotten at home. Nothing to be done. To KTV? Derive? Draw? Travel? ...
I am so BORED!
I must make FULL use of my holiday somehow. STRUGGLE. Got to acheive something at least. Something that will provide me financially...
I'm broke. So...BROKE. My bank account is getting hollow. I could almost hear the resonating echo...the humming of silence...
I want to learn guitar. Maybe I should pick up some guitar skills at the meantime. Hmmm. Yeah. I shall.
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
I had a shocking news a few days back.
My video for FDN140 is selected for exhibition together with the other few.
It is not surprising if it is by any other professors...
...but it IS Ho Tzu Nyen who chose em'!
Anyway, I am BOTH excited and embarrassed about, ya.
I wonder if i will ever be able to face the world ever again if my video were to be seen en masse...
Sunday, October 21, 2007
-sketch journal
-word file
-image bank
-365 complementary tees design
-photographs (lines and tones, colors, textures, patterns, grids, numbers...etc.)
-sketch journal
-photographs for portfolio
-concavity/convexity forms
-sound or image video
-readings (tonnes of em')
> ART131:
-presentation (coming soon!!!)
-thesis (AHHHHH!!!!)
--the great gatsby
--waiting for godot
I am so totally breaking down from the sheer workload... burdened...urgh~...dying...back's pulling me dowwwwwwnnnnnnnn....!
And here's some random photos i took using my panasonic keitai meant for my FDN140 assignment in which my video camcorder screwed up (DARN THAT BLOODY CAMCORDER!!!):

more to come...
*choke*Sunday, September 30, 2007
Monday, September 24, 2007
Ok, I used to hate Mac...
Mac's built-in CAMERA is SOOOOOO cool~!!!

HELL! Look at those special effects it rendered~!!! W-I-C-KED~!
I wanna Mac...
Anyone watched Constantine last night?!? The part when Constantine pointed his middy to S.A. Tan was... HILARIOUS~!!! Serves Constantine right for doing that though... he shouldn't have... S.A. Tan kinda dragged him back to reality when he dug his fingers into his lungs in an attempt to stop him from rising to heaven...
Still wondering if those black gooey stuff which S.A. Tan dug out were the tar and cancer tumors Constantine had collected over the years from heavy smoking... Oh well, least I know that he's gonna stay on earth for a pretty long while...
Hmmm... weird show.
If you guys are wondering why I hadn't been online or whatsoever... well, I kinda had some difficulties with my wireless connection (some bloody idiots stole my connection~!!!). Hope this answers most of your questions=).
Am now in the library, so you-know-why-I-can-do-this.
Oh well, gtg!
Friday, August 31, 2007
This was the most impulsive stuff I'd done... first of a kind... wasn't regretful but kinda heart broken...
Here's what I meant:
Me trying on a Lolita Kimono... Daisuki!!!
Was told to strike a pose... so this was wat happened \(OAo)/
Broke my thumb's nail when trying on the Mary Janes T.T
I bled big time.
Second outfit~! My fans just went gaga. Hahahaha... pls forgive me, Jemima and F.Z. XD
F.Z. suggested that I strike a 'CUTE' pose... and here was what happened... 6-.-
My sole purpose was only to purchase the Mary Janes (not shown here, so don't bother searching for it)... but somehow, I ended up buying a full set of Lolita costume~
Scary... but I love them. Hahaha... Just wondering when can i start flaunting them...
Oh ya, and they cost me a bomb... so... that was the heart-broken part which I was talking about...
No food for months...
No rice from chinese stall... No waffle... No snacks...
Yeah, great time to get on diet.
With great clothes comes great responsibilities (to look good in them XD) ~!
That's all folks! Dun forget to tag. Hehehehe~
Sunday, August 12, 2007
Sunday, July 22, 2007
my new hair style!!! Hahahaha!!!! For those who hadn't seen me for the past few days, YUPS,I'm updating u about me~!!!
One hot and scorcing afternoon, a humbly innocently beautiful petite girl was minding her own business at Bedok train station. She was sitting at one end of the station, waiting patiently, hoping to cross path with her prince charming in that horrendously bright and scaldingly burning afternoon with the ball of inferno hanging in midsky...
pretty petite girl (ppg): Lonely...I'm so LONELY...!!! Where is prince charming?!?....I'm all alone~!!!

Suddenly, a huge black thing overcast the petite girl and saved her from the laser rays~
the huge black thing (thbt): ...

The petite girl decided to turn and see who her big black saviour was and to her utter amazement, he(she) was quite a handsome lad!
ppg: Wow, lady luck's on me this time. I wonder where Ive seen him before...

She decided to confront the lad. Be brave, gal, you can do it! she thought.
She mustered all the courage she had...stored in her for so many years just to hopefully be able to approach her prince charming when she sees one...what a HEROIC GIRL! (ahem)

Just then, a train whooshed past and scrambled her words. Poor girl. Not only did she not wait for the train to pass, she...
ppg: Waaa!!! I sit here for like half a day liao then the train come?!?

thbt: Yeah. Trains here sure pass by slowly. I was here almost everyday, waiting for my one true...

ppg: love?
She looked shyly at him thru' the corner of her eyes, happiness flooded her heart as her luck was about to change...

The lad gazed at her intently. His gaze so powerful that it almost planted a hole in her head with his laser beam stare.
ppg: Have...I seen you somewhere before?
thbt: Eh? Oh, no no no. Definitely no.
ppg: Well then, will...will...wi-will you...
thbt: Be my girl? (said in a romantic and manly voice)
ppg: *melts*
From then on, they had been together. Even till today. They share the same bed, watch the same TV, use the same loo, visit the same church, share the same mum and dad...Oops. Ya. Basically that.
After much storytelling, here are some of the left-over pictures. Even though, they are still pretty dandy.
Random nail pic. Pretty?
Experimenting with fake lashes to create the visual kei effect. Not bad eh?
woo, nice angle.
Overall look...It lacks the eyeliner...
Side. Ohhh, I have a twin! I knew that I must've one all along!
The detestable sun and me.
That's all the crap for now o(>A<)o