my new hair style!!! Hahahaha!!!! For those who hadn't seen me for the past few days, YUPS,I'm updating u about me~!!!
One hot and scorcing afternoon, a humbly innocently beautiful petite girl was minding her own business at Bedok train station. She was sitting at one end of the station, waiting patiently, hoping to cross path with her prince charming in that horrendously bright and scaldingly burning afternoon with the ball of inferno hanging in midsky...
pretty petite girl (ppg): Lonely...I'm so LONELY...!!! Where is prince charming?!?....I'm all alone~!!!

Suddenly, a huge black thing overcast the petite girl and saved her from the laser rays~
the huge black thing (thbt): ...

The petite girl decided to turn and see who her big black saviour was and to her utter amazement, he(she) was quite a handsome lad!
ppg: Wow, lady luck's on me this time. I wonder where Ive seen him before...

She decided to confront the lad. Be brave, gal, you can do it! she thought.
She mustered all the courage she had...stored in her for so many years just to hopefully be able to approach her prince charming when she sees one...what a HEROIC GIRL! (ahem)

Just then, a train whooshed past and scrambled her words. Poor girl. Not only did she not wait for the train to pass, she...
ppg: Waaa!!! I sit here for like half a day liao then the train come?!?

thbt: Yeah. Trains here sure pass by slowly. I was here almost everyday, waiting for my one true...

ppg: love?
She looked shyly at him thru' the corner of her eyes, happiness flooded her heart as her luck was about to change...

The lad gazed at her intently. His gaze so powerful that it almost planted a hole in her head with his laser beam stare.
ppg: Have...I seen you somewhere before?
thbt: Eh? Oh, no no no. Definitely no.
ppg: Well then, will...will...wi-will you...
thbt: Be my girl? (said in a romantic and manly voice)
ppg: *melts*
From then on, they had been together. Even till today. They share the same bed, watch the same TV, use the same loo, visit the same church, share the same mum and dad...Oops. Ya. Basically that.
After much storytelling, here are some of the left-over pictures. Even though, they are still pretty dandy.
Random nail pic. Pretty?
Experimenting with fake lashes to create the visual kei effect. Not bad eh?
woo, nice angle.
Overall look...It lacks the eyeliner...
Side. Ohhh, I have a twin! I knew that I must've one all along!
The detestable sun and me.
That's all the crap for now o(>A<)o
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